We are born into a specific tribe and as we mature we select our own tribes. Where we work, what we do, who we desire, even where we live. I also think that the piece is finding your autonomy within a tribe – how do you be a part of a tribe, and how do we stay true to ourselves within the tribe?
What do you like about Tribes?
I like all the moving pieces. I love that the lead in this play, and a good chunk of the play deals with a deaf man navigating through his world, navigating through his family, and navigating intimate love for the first time.
What scares you about Tribes?
Like every play I have ever directed, I am always worried, before we begin on Tuesday September 15th, about whether the cast I have chosen will get along. Will the play make sense to an audience – will their, “willing suspension of their disbelief” be honored?
What will you be trying to accomplish directorially with Tribes?
I want to be ahead of the audience. I want the play to come roaring out of the gate from the beginning – an onslaught of words and thoughts.
What kinds of conversations would you like the audience to have after experiencing this play?
I want people to ask themselves if the members of their tribe are being heard, and honored.