I'm fortunate to embody the character of Jamie. It seems that her place in this story is to say aloud what others think quietly. She provides comic relief while also expressing realities that many people can relate to. Also, she's fun.
What do you think you will find challenging about playing Jamie?
At a basic level, Jamie's physicality is much different from my own. It's incredible what posture and gait will do for character development. Emotionally, Jamie is a challenge due to how weighted she is with life and negativity.
What is this play about?
American Hero is a story of people trying to survive: Not in an apocalyptic manner, more so in the way we are all trying; as people with hopes, dreams and lots of responsibility. The humor and slight social commentary from the playwright are what I enjoy most in this show.
Anything you want the audience to leave thinking about?
Kindness. Be kind to the people you interact with at every day places such as the deli, gas station, grocery store, etc. They are providing you a service in a place where they have little control. A compliment and smile can go a long way.
What's the worst job you ever had?
Being a Waitress in a chain restaurant. There is such a lack of creativity and flexibility that just feeds the machine of corporate greed.