I’m playing Nell, who would be your sexy, nosy best friend whom you love because she cracks you up and will hold your hair for you if you get sick at the club. Nell has a heart of gold, but will put you in your place in a hurry. She’s also a necessary gold-digger and, how shall I say, has a sex positive view of things? I’m also playing Maria. Maria is your disapproving grandma. Oh, Maria knows what you’re up to- sometimes before you know. She’s worried that you’ll catch a cold, or that you’re not eating enough, but you’d better not try to pull anything over on her, because she will put a guilt trip on you that will take years to recover from.
Is there anything about playing this role that intimidates you?
Starting a show with a monologue to the audience is jitter-inducing, but it’s also kind of fun. Just the technicality of show is intimidating to me - costume changes, timing, remembering who you are next when you come through the door. Even though I play several characters, I think I have the easiest changes. Poor John has all the difficult changes. He’s going to need some Gatorade and a towel for this show. And dear Chris almost never leaves the stage . . .
What is your favorite line in the show? Why?
I have so many favorites! I absolutely love Lady Davenant’s speech. It cracks me up every time, especially when she talks about idle actors getting into trouble and making mischief. I do love the line “I wouldn’t give a rat’s balls for three of you.” Coming from the South, I am fond of colorful and descriptive language. I may have to work this salty sentence into my repertoire somehow . . . .
Is there anything about your character that you can relate to?
Nell is fabulous. I absolutely identify with her directness and openness, though she has both of those qualities in quantities I couldn’t even imagine possessing. She’s also funny and witty, which I can be on occasion, given the right combination of caffeine and subject matter.
Why should someone come to see this show?
It’s a hoot! It’s really unlike any show I’ve ever done or seen before in that it combines sexy farce with wit and history. It’s funny, but there’s some beautiful poetic moments. It’s a bit bawdy, but it’s also historically interesting. Also, there’s kissing and cross-dressing. And it’s only 90 minutes, which is the perfect length of time for a farce.