I don't garden at all. I have a horrible green thumb actually.
What would you do if you found out your neighbor had been using two feet of your property?
Ha ha. I probably wouldn't do anything. But then again I've never been a homeowner so I don't know what that means.
What do you like most about acting in comedies?
The stakes are incredibly high in comedies. And I especially love working on farcical or physical comedies. It's what i think is most funny.
Are there specific challenges to acting in a comedy versus a drama?
I think comedy is harder than drama actually. You have to be very specific and technical with comedy sometimes and like I said the stakes are really really high.
What do you like most about this play? Why should the audience come see it?
I like that the play doesn't take it self too seriously. There are a lot of important and very relevant issues discussed in the play but the playwright just presents them to you and doesn't sit in them too long. The play moves right along and we can all laugh about it at the end. Audiences should come see it because it deals with a lot of issues our country is facing right now. I think this is a play that everyone can relate to on some level.