I saw the original West End production of ‘Art' with Albert Finney, Tom Courtney and Ken Stott, so years later when I first read the play I was already very familiar with it. I related to how the characters allow attachments to things (friendships, romantic relationships, interests, like art, etc.) cause them to change their behavior, which in turn ends or dramatically changes friendships.
What do you find interesting about Yvan?
Yvan is affable, infantile, mercurial, easily influenced by others, the "joker" and although he feels things deeply often feels misunderstood and overlooked. I find taking on this role very exciting because Yvan is so full of life and is often on the edge of his emotions, almost like a child, which is challenging and rewarding to explore as an actor.
What's your favorite part about acting?
My favorite part of acting is the experience of collaborating with the director, the actors, and the production team to allow the written word to come alive on stage. I'm most looking forward to seeing what we create together. Every single person involved in this production inspires me on a daily basis.
What do you hope people leave the theatre thinking about?
I hope they leave thinking about how relationships are the most precious things we have in life.
Is there a line in the play that makes you giggle?
Yes, Marc's line: "Your friends need to be chaperoned, otherwise they'll get away... Look at poor Yvan, whose chaotic behavior used to delight us, we've allowed him to become a timid stationer...Practically married.." Gets me every time!