It's about this man named Andre and how he died and his mom who drops in for a visit. Then the whole play unfolds from there.
What role do you play and how does s/he fit into the story?
I play Bud. He is the son of Andre's lover and another man. His role is to be cute onstage and not just have grown-ups arguing, because that would be boring.
What are your character’s strengths and weaknesses?
My character's strength is asking questions. His weakness is getting out of the tub.
What do you find challenging about playing your character?
He asks a lot of questions and it is hard not to make my voice go up really, really high. It's also hard to play an only child, because I am definitely not an only child.
What do you think is challenging/exciting/interesting about Mothers and Sons?
I feel like I know more about AIDS, but it makes me feel kind of sad. It's a sad play at the beginning, but it's a happy play at the end.
What is your favorite line in the play?
I like the line, "Buddy Bud Bud", because I like the way it sounds. It's fun to say.
What do you like about Mothers and Sons?
That I'm in it, and the other actors.