For 24 years, the generous support of our business community has helped bring our shows to life. We thank them for their work with us. Below are the sponsors of our 25th season. Please show them some love on behalf of Vermont Stage.
Season 25 Sponsors
Presenting Sponsors
Supporting Sponsors
Foundation Support
Producing Sponsors
Become a Sponsor
If you would like to promote your business while showing your support of Vermont Stage, you should become one of our wonderful corporate sponsors. Just call us at 802-862-1497 or email Cristina Alicea, Producing Artistic Director, and let her know you'd like more information.
Thanks to our advertisers for all of their support! If you would like to learn more about advertising in our season programs, distributed to over 8,000 attendees annually, please call 802-862-1497 or email Jamien Forrest, General Manager, for more information.