Dale Dymkoski
Dale began his acting career in New York City with a foundation in Meisner Technique, developed out of the legendary Neighborhood Playhouse. After performing in experimental theater and appearing on Law & Order: SVU, he relocated to Los Angeles where he starred in independent feature films Lucky Bastard, Somefarwhere, and The Pretty Boys. In between dramatic roles, Mr Dymkoski can be found performing standup comedy at Flappers Comedy Club and the Comedy Store in Los Angeles. Never one to sit still, he also enjoys playing baseball and music, training CrossFit, cooking and romping around with his rescue Chihuahua pups. At age three, he was diagnosed with severe bilateral hearing loss and was outfitted with hearing aids. He has lived through every incarnation of hearing aid, and believes today’s digital technology has given him the chance to play guitar and sing in pitch, something he never thought possible. For more information, visit www.daledymkoski.com.